Cash Advance Loans NYC
A cash advance loan is a type of funding that allows businesses to access quick funds. You will be required to repay the borrowed money through a fixed daily percentage. As the fastest form of modern business funding, cash advance loans allow you to make urgent payments and investments to save your business.
If you’re in a bind and need quick cash or you have a low credit score, a cash advance loan will help reset the situation. Before you begin, make sure you speak with our team to understand whether you’re eligible for cash advances loans. The payout and repayment process for cash advance loans is very different from conventional loans. You will not be required to make monthly payments. Instead, your lender will set a fixed daily percentage.
The requirements are simple, and the terms are great, so you don’t have to worry about any unexpected setbacks during the repayment stage. Our team starts by understanding your requirements to determine whether a cash advance is right for you. Based on your needs and goals, we steer you in the right direction accordingly. It’s possible that you need a small business loan, not a cash advance loan. If this is the case, we’ll advise you and leave the final decision in your hands.
Call Whitestone Fund for Professional Loan Services in NYC!
We’re ready when you are! As part of our cash advance program, we expect clients to discuss their company’s projected sales. The numbers will help us provide the right advance accordingly. If your revenue unexpectedly declines and you cannot meet your financial obligations, we will not dial up the pressure.
Financial regress cannot be predicted. If you’re going through a rough patch, our team will understand the situation and realign your payments based on unique circumstances. Cash advance loans aren’t rigid. As a borrower, you shouldn’t find yourself in a difficult spot. We work closely with each client to make the rest of the journey as smooth and hassle-free for both of us: your business and our team.
A successful cash advance loan partnership is contingent on open and honest communication. We keep our end of the bargain and expect clients to meet us halfway to ensure successful, beneficial collaboration. Thank you for trusting us! If you’re ready to take the leap, submit an application today. Our team will get in touch with you shortly and schedule a consultation. We serve clients across Yonkers and NYC.